Being positive!

Health…… Why is it we take this for granted?

How do people accept and deal with long term illnesses/disabilities?

Having to deal with not having a full and proper diagnosis for almost 7 years now has triggered me to post about this subject.

Living with my lung condition day in day out is beginning to be more and more of a struggle, now affecting my everyday way of living. I am having more stays/visits in hospital, more tests, scans, xrays etc which = MORE STRESS! Being a “Mystery” to all the Dr’s, Specialists, Consultants etc makes me feel like a guinea pig being tested and trialled on different drugs to help keep me at bay. Although they are doing there best to find out what is wrong with me it still leaves me with anxieties. šŸ˜¦

You may be suffering with some kind of illness yourself and my purpose for writing this post is to know your not alone! I often feel very down and lonely about my health situation and i am sure you do too! This is normal, we are human and have feelings and emotion. People will say “BE POSITIVE” ……but how? A lot of people develop or have mental health issues due to the fact of a long term or disability. (Including myself). I would say i am a negative person most of the time especially on those really bad days where you feel so god damn useless and hopeless!! The thing is we do need to stay positive! Thinking about all the good things in your life will help turn that frown upside down :).

There are a lot of inspirational people out there who are living with a long term illness/disability whether it has been from birth or developed later on in their life. I admire those who stay positive and happy in life despite not doing the things they used to or wish they could do. These people are just like me and you so whats stopping us from having this drive and ambition to live life?

Suffering with breathlessness is really quite scary and i often panic for breath. i have never smoked (i’m not saying you need to have smoked to have a lung problem). It makes me think and question things in life. Breathing is such a HUGE part of keeping us alive its only now that i am suffering i am beginning to realise health is such an important aspect of our life and we need to look after ourselves! You can very often feel out of control but just keep telling yourself “i can get through this!”. Lean on friends, family and loved ones for support when you need them, don’t be afraid that’s what they are there for!

Life has its ups and downs but don’t take anything for granted. I am a believer of “everything happens for a reason”. Each good or bad thingĀ  that happens is a blessing in disguise. Take each day as it comes and LIVE YOUR LIFE!

Keep smiling……You CAN do this!!